#Today Is Friday
Today is Friday, so let this be the day when you start some weekend traditions that you do with your family. Today is Friday, so plan something fun for tonight and launch "Family Fun Nights"! Today is Friday, so find someone to watch your children and go out with your wife. Today is Friday, so rake a pile of leaves with your children and jump in it with them. Today is Friday, take a long walk with your children and just listen to them. Today is Friday, go hug your family. Today is Friday, go say your sorry. Today is Friday, go work on "that" project with your son or daughter. Today is Friday, leave the weekly cares at the office. Today is Friday, remember you may never get another one with your family. Watch this.
Friday, November 18, 2011
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Good Word From Spurgeon For Dads
The reason why men forsake truth for error is, that they have not really understood that truth, in nine cases out of ten they have not embraced it with enlightened minds.
Let me exhort you, parents as much as lieth in you, to give your children sound instruction in the great doctrines of the gospel of Christ.
I believe that what Irving once said is a great truth. He said, "In these modern times you boast and glory, and you think yourselves to be in a high and noble condition, because you have your Sabbath-schools and British-schools, and all kinds of schools for teaching youth. I tell you," he said, "that philanthropic and great as these are they are the ensigns of your disgrace; they show that your land is not a land where parents teach their children at home. They show you there is a want of parental instruction; and though they be blessed things, these Sabbath-schools, they are indications of something wrong, for if we all taught our children there would be no need of strangers to say to our children 'Know the Lord.'"
I trust you will never give up that excellent puritanical habit of catechising your children at home. Any father or mother who entirely gives up a child to the teaching of another has made a mistake.
There is no teacher who wishes to absolve a parent from what he ought to do himself! He is an assistant, but he was never intended to be a substitute. Teach your children; bring up your old catechisms again, for they are after all blessed means of instruction, and the next generation shall outstrip those that have gone before it, for the reason why many of you are weak in the faith is this, you did not receive instruction in your youth in the great things of the gospel of Christ. If you had, you would have been so grounded, and settled, and firm in the faith, that nothing could by any means have moved you.
Friday, November 11, 2011
Thank You To All Our Armed Forces.
Thank You To All Our Armed Forces
Warren Buffett says that if you run your financial life in good times, as though they were bad, then when bad times hit you can survive and thrive. I think the same attitude should be applied to our thankfulness toward America's Armed Forces. Let's not just remember them on days like 9-11, Veterans Day, and Armed Forces Day...but let's stay in a spirit of gratitude all throughout our lives. It's important for we dads to be thankful as individuals, but even more importantly for the example we show our children. Most children need to be taught thankfulness. In fact, I would argue that the art of thankfulness is quickly disappearing throughout our land. Here are a few ways for you and your children to say thank you to our Armed Forces.
1. Write a thank you letter as a family to an Armed Forces member on your street, in your community or at your local church.
2. Bake some chocolate chip cookies as a family and deliver them to a family in your area whose son or husband is in the military and away from home.
3. Support great organizations like these as a family: thanksusa.org anysoldier.com
Johnny B.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Lessons From Joe Paterno & The Penn State Sex Abuse Matter
Lessons From Joe Paterno & the Penn State Sex Abuse Matter
It's sad to see a man with such a successful leadership career as a college football coach end so abruptly and badly. More sad is the abuse that innocent children suffered, with no leader to defend them.
There are two lessons we as Maverick Dads can take from this tragedy:
- First, we must stay close to God and His Word, humbly realizing our true need of Him to keep us on the right path as leaders. Never let pride deceive us into living a life without Him. Paul said, "that in me.......that is in my flesh, dwelleth no good thing." We are no better, as far as what our flesh is capable of, than Paul or Joe Paterno. To trust our leadership abilities apart from God is to begin down the road of destruction. It takes years to establish one's character and reputation, yet only minutes to destroy it.
- Secondly, as we see in Proverbs 25:2 - "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." It is the job of kings/leaders to search out a matter. Leaders do not have the luxury of looking the other way. It is our responsibility before God, when there is a mess, to roll up our sleeves and get to the bottom of the situation. It is our responsibility to make sure that justice is served to evil doers. In fact, according to Ecclesiastes 8:11 - "Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil." We grow the evil and its reach when we move slowly on matters of "sin in the camp".
Johnny B.
Maverick Dad Supports Mercy Ministries
Please take a second to watch this video from Mercy Ministries here. Our vision at Maverick Dad is to not only raise our children to be Mavericks for the Kingdom of God but to reach out to the fatherless for the Kingdom of God.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Orville Wright Didn't Have A Pilot's License
Okay, so what does the fact that Orville Wright not having a pilot's license have to do with being a Maverick Dad? Lots. Just as building the first successful airplane in history and then learning to fly from scratch took courage, persistence, faith, passion, determination, focus, failure, etc., so learning to be a Maverick Dad will require these same qualities. I know, I know, many times we feel like we've been handed a complex mathematical equation to figure out when we are English majors! Being a dad is not for wimps, believe me. You will feel inadequate, weak, tired, confused, stressed and frustrated at times. There have been times in my life as a dad, when I felt like quitting. But I would hang in there and right around the corner, God would faithfully encourage me and motivate me with something to keep on going. Being a dad will require you to engage in areas that you feel totally unlicensed to handle. Don't throw in the towel! Ask God for wisdom, get counsel from successful dads, learn from your own mistakes, seek answers through prayer and the Scriptures, and most of all.......just show up everyday with your sleeves rolled up ready to get dirty again. Happy Flying!
Johnny B.
Johnny B.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Principles, models and common sense
We all need models, principles and guidelines to assist us in being better men, husbands, dads, investors, businessmen, etc. A non-emotional framework or lattice of formulas in our heads, through which we run every decision. But we also need to add another part to our decision making, if we don't want to be misled from time to time by that framework. That part is common sense. An understanding of people and how they work, what really makes the world go round, the potential for human error, experience, internal gut feelings and rationality.
Take Long Term Capital Management, the hedge fund that was financially bailed out in 1998, for example. They used complex mathematical models to take advantage of fixed income arbitrage deals usually with U.S., Japanese, and European government bonds. They failed however to listen to common sense and entered into these speculations highly leveraged......sometimes 25 to 1. They failed to heed the fact that the world blows up from time to time and people will act irrationally when that happens. In fact, during the Russian financial crisis in August and September 1998, when the Russian government defaulted on their government bonds, panicked investors sold Japanese and European bonds to buy U.S. treasury bonds. The profits that were supposed to occur for Long Term Capital Management as the value of these bonds converged became huge losses as the value of the bonds diverged. By the end of August, Long Term Capital Management had lost $1.85 billion in capital. This is just one example. We all do this in one area or another in our lives.
Here's another example: the principle from Proverbs that all dads are to follow, to train up a child in the way that he should go. "The way" is the easy part....toward God, His ways, Jesus Christ, the Scriptures and good works. But in addition to this principle we need to understand each child in the unique way God has made him if we truly want to be effective in applying the principle: knowing how he best learns, what motivates him or discourages him, what callings and gifts are portrayed in his life, etc. For instance, one of my children wilts with just a look of displeasure from me or my wife, another one needs a little more "parental" motivation. Principles are important but they must balanced with common sense if we truly want to be successful in all areas of our lives.
Johnny B.
Take Long Term Capital Management, the hedge fund that was financially bailed out in 1998, for example. They used complex mathematical models to take advantage of fixed income arbitrage deals usually with U.S., Japanese, and European government bonds. They failed however to listen to common sense and entered into these speculations highly leveraged......sometimes 25 to 1. They failed to heed the fact that the world blows up from time to time and people will act irrationally when that happens. In fact, during the Russian financial crisis in August and September 1998, when the Russian government defaulted on their government bonds, panicked investors sold Japanese and European bonds to buy U.S. treasury bonds. The profits that were supposed to occur for Long Term Capital Management as the value of these bonds converged became huge losses as the value of the bonds diverged. By the end of August, Long Term Capital Management had lost $1.85 billion in capital. This is just one example. We all do this in one area or another in our lives.
Here's another example: the principle from Proverbs that all dads are to follow, to train up a child in the way that he should go. "The way" is the easy part....toward God, His ways, Jesus Christ, the Scriptures and good works. But in addition to this principle we need to understand each child in the unique way God has made him if we truly want to be effective in applying the principle: knowing how he best learns, what motivates him or discourages him, what callings and gifts are portrayed in his life, etc. For instance, one of my children wilts with just a look of displeasure from me or my wife, another one needs a little more "parental" motivation. Principles are important but they must balanced with common sense if we truly want to be successful in all areas of our lives.
Johnny B.
Monday, November 7, 2011
A Little Heaven On Earth
Most of us dads are just plain busy. Not only do we have a lot of things to do, but we also have a lot of things on our minds at any given time. In fact, many of us feel overwhelmed most of the time. I have found that taking a break from it all and going outside to play with my children puts a lot of life into perspective. My children get their heart's desire, to have their dad spend time with them, and my mind and body get to relax. Many times, I'm much better prepared to tackle the world after these ventures into the imaginary world of children, than when I began.
Just today I spent some time sword fighting and adventuring through the woods with my son, Chase. I got to hear things like....."Dad, we'll tie the bad guys up with briars until they cry for their wives!!!!!".......and, "Don't panic dad!!".......after I yelled "ouch!" as a large briar branch tore into my uncovered calf! We laughed, wrestled, yelled, ran, jumped, and pretty much saved the world in one afternoon. By the time we were heading back to the house, I couldn't remember what had been so important that I had to pull myself away to spend time with my son.
Jesus said....."Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God." Not only do we miss learning about the world to come when we don't spend time with our children, but I also think we miss a little Heaven on earth. So next time your little ones asks if you will play outside with them, go ahead! The world will still be waiting for you when you get back, but it won't look so intimidating.
Johnny B.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Would you pray with me about this?
The Heavenly Father adopted us into His family, therefore as Christians, we should at least pray about, consider and look hard at adoption. Would you pray with me about this?
Maverick Dad
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Thank You, Steve
I am thankful to Steve Jobs for many things this morning. If it wasn't for the Mac, I couldn't work as effectively on the Maverick Dad blog as I am right now. I might not have ever heard the cute way that my Savannah says.......angy buds (angry birds) as she reaches for my Iphone. But most of all, I am thankful for his philosophy of living a "no regrets" life. That we are all terminal and the sooner we realize this, the sooner we can go work on those things that really matter. Steve Jobs asked himself this question at the end of every day. "If I get to live tomorrow, would I work on the same thing that I did today?" If he answered "no" too many days in a row, he knew it was time to re-think his life. He knew that life was short. For a Christian dad, this is probably the most important principle we can understand and follow. The Scripture teaches that your life is a vapour that appears for a little time, and then vanishes away. It also teaches us to number our days that we may apply our hearts to wisdom. Imagine how it would change us as husbands, dads, friends, brothers in Christ, and overall as men, if we truly believed and followed this principle. A friend of mine and I have been talking about the need to eliminate "stuff" from our lives. In fact, I believe now that what you say "no" to, is more important than what you say "yes" to. We all need a "To NOT Do list". So I ask this question......"If we get to live tomorrow, would we work on the same things that we did today?" Eternity is calling. Only what is done for that world will last.
Maverick Dad
Friday, November 4, 2011
October Baby
Maverick Dad supports October Baby and the Award winning Erwin Brothers Motion Pictures. Go out and support a great movie, a great cause and a great team of film makers for the Kingdom of God!
It Really Doesn't Matter........
I was thinking today about the "Dad" trend that has exploded throughout mainstream Christianity. You know, the one where it's "cool" now to be a dad, have your kids with you in church, etc. I'm hopefully optimistic about what the results of this movement will be and pray that God will use it for His glory, His church and the Kingdom of God. But truly, it really doesn't matter. For us individually as dads, we either get it or we don't. We have a mess in our homes and because of this we have a mess in our churches, states, country and world! Godly fathers with a multi-generational vision of guiding their families toward Jesus have mostly disappeared. In the wake of this loss, we are left with mothers struggling to add some spiritual dimension to our homes, lack of qualified elders to lead our churches, people who struggle to relate to the Heavenly Father, orphans sold into sex slavery because they have no protector and the list goes on and on. It's time as dads that we get it, and it all starts with Jesus. We as dads must turn our hearts to him......today......right now. Scripture says......that "except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it." No one can do this for you. No program can make this happen. Revival must start in our hearts, dads. We must repent of leaving our first love, turn our hearts to Jesus and His Word, and walk with Him daily. If judgement starts with the house of God, then it must also start with the heads of the families who are part of His house. Let's find some time......no, let's make time right now to get alone with Jesus and let Him start the process of building our homes again through us. He loves us and wants this even more than we can imagine.
Maverick Dad
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Were live!!!!!!!
Welcome to the Maverick Dad blog! Getting to this point has been an incredible journey to say the least. I came up with the idea of Maverick Dad in 2009 and well......let's just say I went around the barn a few times before finally putting some feet to bringing my creation to life. My wife says that no one can accuse me of getting into a hurry. :) Anyway, my vision for Maverick Dad has many dimensions but this blog is going to be my starting point. Being a Maverick Dad consists of many things, so in the coming days we'll talk frankly about God, personal success, marriage, money, making the world a better place, adventure, ideas and of course being a dad. I hope you will join me as we chat about the incredible balancing act of being a dad. I'm a firm believer in shared wisdom, so please feel free to share your thoughts in the comment sections.
Blessings, Maverick Dad
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